S-FORM is an esteemed aluminum formwork firm which has provided innovative solutions to industrial and residential construction and civil engineering sectors fulfilled with
environment-friendly philosophy
since 1985 (previously known as Sammok).
1985. 06.
1985. 06.
Founded company as Sammok Precision and Industrial Co., Ltd.
Operated Paju factory
1992. 05.
1993. 12.
1994. 02.
1994. 11.
1994. 12.
1995. 07.
1996. 04.
1996. 06.
1996. 07.
Finished constructing Sihwa 1st Factory (1270-3, Jeongwang-dong, Siheung-si, Gyeonggido, Korea)
Registered international trade business
Finished constructing Sihwa 2nd Factory (1274-8, Jeongwang-dong, Siheung-si, Gyeonggido, Korea)
Won “one million export tower” (Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy)
Developed small-sized tower crane (2 ton, 3 ton, 8 ton, and luffing crane)
Finished constructing Sihwa 3rd Factory (1274, Jeongwang-dong, Siheung-si, Gyeonggido, Korea)
Listed in KOSDAQ
Achieved ISO 9001 certificate and KSF 8006 certificate
Metal construction, licensed professional
Merged with related company, Dongil Steel Co., Ltd.
Construction of metal structures, licensed professional window contractors
Established mass Aluminum Formwork production system for monthly 190,000m2 capacity
Owing 22 patents including the industrial property right
Awarded the top prize by the Korean Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs
Changed corporate identity as S-FORM Co., Ltd.
Jincheon Factory, an exclusive extrusion line for exportation has launched.
Achieved 400,000m2 aluminum formwork in exports.
Activated 5th brand-new aluminum extruding machine
Operated Sendayan Aluminum Formwork Factory
Established a corporate in “Indonesia”